

We've Moved ! !

(May be moving back.)
(Maybe not.)

Blogspot recently notified me that they would be restricting access to blogs containing sexually explicit images, making it unsuitable for a blog of this nature.  So I set up a new site on Tumblr.com, learned how to use their site, moved everything over, and deleted everything I had posted here..

After doing a hell of a lot of work, I get an email from Blogspot that essentially says, "Oops, never mind."  I'm totally pissed at this display of incompetence.

I may move it back to here - may just leave it on Tumblr.  There are some things I prefer about Tumblr, but other things I truly dislike.

In a wry twist of cosmic irony
Tumblr ended up being the one to
lock down adult content.

Pure Narcissism does not exist on either platform.

(I've chosen to keep this site, should I decide in the future
to restore the blog here.

Pure Narcissism

"Knows he's hot"

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